Over the past couple of days I've been working on the 5th page of the design working from the bottom up, one colour at a time. I've probably completed about 5 or 6 of the colours on the page. Which is about half of Blastoise, a water type Pokémon. He's the evolved form of Wartortle, and the final evolution of Squirtle. He's number 9 in the original Pokédex.
You can see in the photos as Blastoise starts taking shape, filling up and taking up most of this page. I think I've completed about half of the 5th page, which hasn't taken very long to do.
Once I've finished this post I'm going back to my stitching. I'm hoping to have finished this page in a week or so, providing I don't get very distracted by something, which will most likely be the TV and the Game of Thrones (I'm a bit hooked at the moment).
Congratulations! :)