I've also realised that because i started from the bottom of the whole design rather than the top, that each page of design has about 500 more stitches than the ones I have already done. In hind sight I would definitely recommend starting from page 1 of the design rather than doing what I have done.
After I sorted out my mistake I finished all of the black stitches on the page, so you can kind of see some of the Pokémon already.
As there is a lot of black stitches all over this page of the design it makes it easier for me to complete all of one colour at a time rather than having to stop and start as I move up the design.
I had the day off today, and I've had quite a productive day. I've painted my bathroom, cut the lawn and even sorted out some shoes(not thrown any out much to my fella's disappointment :D). After all of that I decided I wanted to have a lazy rest of the day so I did some stitching whilst watching criminal minds again. I've been writing bits of my blog through out the week so I could just add a few more pictures and write a bit more then get back to the stitching. :D
After I sorted out my mistake I finished all of the black stitches on the page, so you can kind of see some of the Pokémon already.
As there is a lot of black stitches all over this page of the design it makes it easier for me to complete all of one colour at a time rather than having to stop and start as I move up the design.
I had the day off today, and I've had quite a productive day. I've painted my bathroom, cut the lawn and even sorted out some shoes(not thrown any out much to my fella's disappointment :D). After all of that I decided I wanted to have a lazy rest of the day so I did some stitching whilst watching criminal minds again. I've been writing bits of my blog through out the week so I could just add a few more pictures and write a bit more then get back to the stitching. :D