Wednesday, 26 February 2014

Pokémon Feb Update 3

I did have every intention of making Mondays my post day for my updates for my Pokémon WIP. 
This week I ended up working the late shift at my job and I didn't get home until late so I practically went straight to bed as soon as I got in. 

I thought no big deal I'll just post tomorrow when I get home from work. Once again that didn't happen because I fell asleep. No idea why, because I wasn't even that busy at work. So here I am only 2 days later than planned updating you all on how I'm getting on. Even this nearly didn't happen because my Internet crashed and most of what I had written hadn't been saved. Hopefully I will be just as happy when I rewrite it.

I've slowly been seeing less and less white spaces in the section that I'm working on and I can slowly start to see it filling up and Pokémon beginning to take form and become recognisable. One of the best parts of my week was showing my friends at work my progress pictures and seeing the amazement on their faces of what I have completed so far.

Normally, when I post a picture its after I have completed all the stitches in a certain colour in the section I am working on, so there is no threads in the way. This time I have decided that I want you all to see where I am as I post, rather than where I was however long ago.

I've currently been working on Wartortle. He's a water type Pokémon and the evolved form of Squirtle. In the first generation of Pokémon games he is number 8 in the Pokédex(Kind of a dictionary of Pokémon for those of you that don't know what that is).

So there you go, thank you all for reading this and I hope you all have a great week :D

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