I started writing this post straight after I finished my night shifts and its taking me a month to get round to finishing it and posting! As you can imagine this time of year in the world of retail is mental and its only going to get worse the closer we get to Christmas.
I decided I was going to start the kit that i bought from York only to find that I had to work out which symbols went with with colours myself and that was too much work for me to do at half 10 at night so i decided to start a kit that my sister had bought me for Christmas a few years before.
I've never had to stitch black on top of black before and boy was it hard, I must have only done about 30 odd stitches before I gave up. I really need to invest in a daylight lamp to make it easier for me when I'm stitching at night.
I've not really done much stitching on my Pokémon, to be fair I've not really done much at all other than work. I did try my hand at baking, lets just say if it was from scratch it didn't work out too well. with it being my day off today i thought i'd have a good tidy round and finally finish this post. After my night shifts i was here with my stitching.
I have done bits every now and then but I definitely did the most last night after talking to a couple of work mates over the past few days about my stitching and showing them pictures of the stuff that I've done. I'm currently stitching everyones favourite electric mouse Pikachu, its so much easier to stitch blocks of colour rather than only doing a few stitches here and there and having to change colour all the time.
That's all for now I'll try not to leave it so long between posts this time I know I've probably said that a lot but I am easily distracted. I do always keep up to date with other peoples projects on the Cross Stitch community on Google plus.
Happy Stitching Everyone!