Wednesday, 1 October 2014

Pokemon October Update

I had an absolutely brilliant time in York, went to an outlet village and didn't buy a single thing for myself it was either for the house or Xmas pressies (Yes I know I still have a few months yet). Spent a few days walking round a few museums some better than others one even had some cross stitch samplers from the 1800's.

One of the best thing about those days was when I was walking between museums I managed to find a little craft shop called The Viking Loom. In the window they had a selection of completed kits in frames, which was when I decided I wanted to get myself a kit that links in with my break away. So I went inside in was ever so small, I felt disheartened that I wouldn't find a kit I liked. I went through a little hallway which led to another room and then another, it was like an Aladdin's cave of wonders. I spoke to a very helpful assistant that showed me the kits from the window and other customer favourites, if I'd had a bit more spare money then I would have treated myself to a few more kits but instead I just stuck with the one. 
I do however need to get myself a new frame for it, so that's going to be the next thing that I'm going to buy for my stash as well as a daylight bulb to see if helps any more when I'm stitching at night.

Well back to the Pokémon, I've been stitching for an hour or so in the evening and I've finished two of the colours on page 7 you can already see a few new Pokémon taking shape and even have their eyes in already. This page actually seems bigger than the last, I haven't checked I think its because there's not much too it yet.

I definitely think I need more storage for my stash as the boxes I'm using at the mo are starting to over flow, I may have to find out where my mum bought these ones from so I can see if I can get anymore because I do like the tatty teddy bear on them and they're nice and colourful as well. After seeing a post about stitching on black aida I'm tempted to find something that is stitched on dark fabric to add even more kits to my stash. 

My night shifts start next week(They got pushed back a week)so stitching will definitely be put on hold but I'm still going to aim to do some. If things carry on as they have been with my blog I imagine I'll be posting again in about 2 weeks.